

Mission: : To provide environmental planning, analysis and documentation in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and to obtain scenic stream, wetland, coastal use, levee, and bridge permits for Departmental projects.
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Location Information
Physical AddressEnvironmental Section
1201 Capitol Access Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Mailing AddressP.O. Box 94245
Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9245
Phone Number(225) 242-4502
Fax Number(225) 242-4500

225-242-4501Environmental Engineer Administrator
225-242-4512Engineer Intern (Noise/Air and Site Assessments)
225-242-4532Environmental Engineer (Noise/Air and Site Assessments)
225-242-4518Environmental Impact Specialist (Biological Resources)
225-242-4502Administrative Assistant 5
225-242-4592Environmental Compliance Specialist (Wastewater)
225-242-4506Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-242-4520Environmental Impact Manager
225-242-4508Environmental Impact Manager
225-242-4505Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-379-1317Permit Technician
225-242-4513Engineer Intern II Environmental
225-242-4515Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-242-4581Environmental Impact Specialist (Vibration & Inactive UST)
225-242-4511Environmental Impact Specialist (Biological Resources)
225-242-4553Environmental Compliance Manager
225-242-4524Environmental Impact Specialist-DCL (biology/wetlands and T&E)
985-375-0179Environmental Compliance Specialist (Stormwater/Wastewater)
225-242-4504Assistant Environmental Engineer Administrator
225-242-4507Environmental Engineer (Noise/Air & Site Assessments)
225-242-4516Engineer Intern (Noise/Air & Site Assessments)
225-242-4517Environmental Impact Specialist DCL (Archaeology)
225-242-4580Environmental Impact Specialist (Solid and Hazardous Waste)
337-437-9278Environmental Impact Specialist - DCL (Haz Mat Assessment)
225-242-4509Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
225-242-4503Environmental Impact Specialist (Biologist)
225-242-4565Environmental Compliance Specialist (UST and AST)
225-242-4566Environmental Compliance Specialist, Stormwater
225-242-4514Environmental Impact Specialist (Cultural Resources)
318-342-0173Environmental Compliance Specialist (Stormwater/Wastewater)
