​Traffic Engineering Manual

The Traffic Engineering Manual is intended to supplement the MUTCD by clarifying DOTD policy concerning the study and installation of traffic control devices.  The Manual replaces previous policy memorandums and certain EDSM's that address issues which are unique to the traffic engineering function. 

The Manual is divided into four sections:

  • I. Administrative Policies - Policies adopted by DOTD pertaining to Traffic Engineering
  • II. Requirements - Traffic Engineering policies set by DOTD.  Revisions to these policies will be signed by the Chief Engineer and become effective upon receipt.  Non-compliance of these policies requires approval from the correct chain of command.
  • III. Studies - Further guidance to accompany relevant EDSMs. 
  • IV. Appendices - List of Figures and Tables and reference information



Authorization for 2009 MUTCD.pdfAuthorization for 2009 MUTCD307 KB 4/29/2015
Authorization for Traffic Control Devices.pdfAuthorization for Traffic Control Devices163 KB 4/29/2015
Photo Enforcement Permit Policy.pdfPhoto Enforcement Permit Policy1890 KB 5/4/2023

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