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2019 TEM Agenda.pdf
9/3/2019 12:41 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S1 Boudreaux Clarke and Klanac - Adaptive Signal Timing.pdf
9/5/2019 8:09 AMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S1 Broemmelsiek -Traffic Operations National Update.pdf
8/28/2019 1:44 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S2 Gowland Foshee Lala and Perry - US 190 Superstreet.pdf
9/3/2019 12:46 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S3 Hoyt -Vehicle Demand.pdf
8/28/2019 1:45 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S3 Melson -SimCap LA.pdf
8/28/2019 1:45 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S4 Deville -NonMotorized Crash Assessment.pdf
8/28/2019 1:45 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S4 Huval -ADA Transition Plan.pdf
8/28/2019 1:45 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S4 McRae -Highway Safety Update.pdf
8/28/2019 1:45 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S4 Verret and Jesclard -Crash Data Query Tool Demo.pdf
9/3/2019 12:46 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith
S5 Codjoe and Zeringue -Traffic Research Projects.pdf
9/3/2019 12:46 PMNo presence informationRobin Smith