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1Technical Manual for Dam Owners, Impacts of Plants on Earthen Dams, FEMA Publication 534 - September 2005.pdf
2/11/2022 12:26 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Technical Manual for Dam Owners - Impacts of Plants on Earthen Dams (FEMA 534 / September 2005)
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Guidelines and Tools for Dam Owners.aspx
2/11/2022 10:59 AMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Guidelines and Tools for Dam Owners
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Web Site.aspx
5/22/2014 8:53 AMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) Web Site
Catalog of FEMA National Dam Safety Program Resources.aspx
2/11/2022 12:35 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Catalog of FEMA National Dam Safety Program Resources (FEMA P-732/ January 2021)
Current Army Guidelines ETL 1110-2-583.pdf
2/11/2022 12:40 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
USACE Guidelines for Landscape Planting & Vegetation Management at Levees, Dams, etc. (April 30, 2014)
Dam-Owners-Presentation-July 2023.pdf
7/31/2023 11:13 AMNo presence informationSWE\P00006216
Dam Owners Workshop Presentation 2023
Dams Sector - Active and Passive Vehicle Barriers Guide.aspx
2/11/2022 12:35 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Dams Sector - Active and Passive Vehicle Barriers Guide (2020)
Dams Sector - Waterside Barriers Guide.aspx
2/11/2022 12:35 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Dams Sector - Waterside Barriers Guide (2017)
Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety - Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners.aspx
2/11/2022 12:35 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety - Emergency Action Planning for Dam Owners (FEMA 64/July 2013)
FEMA Guidelines for Inundation Mapping for Dams, FEMA P-946.  July 2013.aspx
2/11/2022 11:01 AMNo presence informationJerry Mason
FEMA Guidelines for Inundation Mapping of Flood Risks Associated with Dam Incidents and Failures - FEMA P-946 /July 2013
FEMA Guidelines for Selecting Inflow Design Floods for Dams, April 2004.aspx
2/11/2022 11:02 AMNo presence informationJerry Mason
FEMA Guidelines for Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams - FEMA P-94/August 2013
FEMA National Dam Safety Program.aspx
2/11/2022 12:24 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
FEMA National Dam Safety Program
FEMA Pocket Safety Guide for Dams and Impoundments.aspx
2/11/2022 12:24 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
FEMA Pocket Safety Guide for Dams and Impoundments (2016)
Flood Safety Tips, LA Office of Emergency Preparedness.aspx
2/11/2022 12:36 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Flood Safety Tips, LA Office of Emergency Preparedness
Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) - Dams.aspx
2/11/2022 12:25 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) - Dams
Governors Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, Louisiana State Hazard Mitigation Plan.aspx
2/11/2022 12:25 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Governors Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), Louisiana State Hazard Mitigation Plan
Living With Dams - Know Your Risks.pdf
2/11/2022 12:25 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Living With Dams: Know Your Risks
2/11/2022 12:25 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Living With Dams: Extreme Rainfall Events
Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Association.aspx
2/11/2022 12:26 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Association
National Inventory of Dams (NID).aspx
2/11/2022 12:36 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
National Inventory of Dams (NID)
Public Safety At Dams ( Association of State Dam Safety ).aspx
10/13/2022 8:15 AMNo presence informationSWE\P00006216
Public Safety At Dams ( Association of State Dam Safety )
Resources for Dam Owners and Operators ( Association of State Dam Safety ).aspx
10/13/2022 8:16 AMNo presence informationSWE\P00006216
Resources for Dam Owners and Operators ( Association of State Dam Safety )
Security Awareness Guide.pdf
2/11/2022 12:37 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Dams Sector Security Awareness Guide - A Guide for Owners and Operators (2007)
2/11/2022 12:40 PMNo presence informationJerry Mason
Living With Dams - Know Your Risks (Web Site)