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Louisiana Historic Bridge Marketing For Alternate Use Program
RECALL NO. 059090Bayou Boeuf Bridge on La. 1177-Bridge has been removed from the state highway system but the steel truss components remain available
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Description of the Bridge
The Bayou Boeuf Bridge (Structure Number 805805190163) located on LA 1177 near Shirley Plantation Road was constructed circa 1920 and is one of the oldest Double-Intersecting Warren Pony Truss bridges in the State system.
National Register Eligibility
The bridge was determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A for its association with the Good Roads Movement and Jefferson Highway, a route designed to connect New Orleans, Louisiana to Winnipeg, Canada. The bridge was completed in 1920 by the State and Avoyelles Parish as part of the first phase of road improvements in Avoyelles Parish for Jefferson Highway.
Status of the Bridge
The bridge has been removed from the roadway and has been replaced under State and Federal Project No H.007876. The bridge truss components (truss sides and bottom) are in storage at the DOTD maintenance yard.
While the marketing period has expired, the bridge truss components are still available for ownership transfer. Contact Carey Coxe, Environmental Impact Manager at carey.coxe@la.gov for more information.
Bayou Teche Bridge at Oaklawn on La. 323
Ownership Transfer Complete; Bridge Has Been Removed.
To watch an 11 minute video on the bridge removal and relocation, please visit
Description of the Bridge
The Bayou Teche Bridge at Oaklawn (Structure Number 03514083000201) formerly located on LA 323 between LA 87 and Parish Road 28/Irish Bend Road was constructed circa 1942 and is a one lane, low steel truss (Warren) swing span.
National Register Eligibility
The bridge was determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C as the earliest surviving Warren Polygonal truss, low swing-span bridge constructed on the Bayou Teche during World War II, and under Criterion A as the cost of bridge construction was split three ways among the Louisiana Department of Highways, the St. Mary Parish Police Jury, and Oaklawn and Sterling Plantation owners at that time, which was a unique situation and remains rare.
Status of the Bridge
The Bayou Teche Bridge at Oaklawn has been removed from the state highway system and has been transferred to its new owner on private property. The new owner plans to re-establish the bridge for public viewing in the near future.