Pavement Design

The pavement design unit is responsible for the design of typical pavement sections and pavement restoration sections for the statewide DOTD system and is required to incorporate the latest technological advances and materials into the design process. These designs include pavement overlays (for the Pavement Restoration Program) of the statewide DOTD highway and airport systems, including interstate rehabilitation, statewide highway system, urban systems, and airport systems. These designs require specialized modeling, a complete understanding of FHWA and AASHTO design criteria, and advanced training utilizing specialized software packages. This unit also provides Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) evaluations for alternative pavement designs and ensures all contract information is readily supplied to the Contracts and Specifications Section prior to bidding alternative pavement design projects. In order to perform the pavement design, shallow soil subgrade data is required to be analyzes. This requires close coordination with laboratory personnel.  Furthermore, the need for additional subsurface investigation requirements regarding the pavement structure design will need to be determined.  Upon reviewing the subgrade soil properties such as Atterberg Limits, sieve analysis, hydrometer tests, percent of organics, density, moisture content and water table depth, the proper stabilization techniques required for roadway subgrades including the use of lime treatment, cement treatment or modification with geosynthetics can be determined.​


DOTD Contacts WS


225-379-1324Pavement Unit Supervisor
225-379-1934Pavement Engineer Manager