Traffic Engineering Mission
The mission of the Traffic Engineering Division is to provide traffic engineering expertise and leadership, for both permanent and temporary highway conditions, to the highway users, the Department’s districts and headquarters office, other levels of government, our highway industry partners, and our neighbors (residents and business owners).
The division’s primary responsibilities are:
- Interpret and implement state and federal transportation law, national standards (primarily the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Policy on Geometric Design of Highways) through the development of administrative code, policies, manuals, standards, and guidelines;
- Provide traffic engineering direction and support through the planning, study, modeling, design, and review of geometric features (intersections and interchanges), control devices (signs, traffic signals, and pavement marking), and access (connections and impact studies);
- Improve the safety and operation of corridors through speed studies, signal retiming, and access management projects;
- Assist district implementation of standards and policies by providing training, technical assistance, and administering appeal processes;
- Develop training materials and coordinate training events;
- Provide technical support and testimony in legislative development and legal expertise in litigation;
- Represent the State and Department in local, regional, and national organizations;
- Evaluate new products, techniques, and concepts; and
- Publish information beneficial to our customers.