New Data Server



As some of you may know, we have been working to improve data access and performance over the past year.
Part of this effort involves new versions of ArcGIS and the ArcSDE software that is used to manage and deliver the data. We have a new server, H13000MS006, that is now up and running.

We have reorganized the names of tables and featureclasses on H13000MS006. If you are used to the names on H13000MS002 or are already using data in ArcSDE on H13000MS006, you may experience problems connection to the data in your map documents (“red exclamation points”).

If You Experience Problems

If you experience this, check each “bad” layer to see if data source is correctly named [Open the layer’s properties and check the “Source” Tab]. To reconnect the layer to the renamed table you will have to do the following:

1) Click on the “Set Data Source” button on the “Source” Tab.
2) On the Data Source dialog box, drop down the “Look in:” box and select “Database Connections”
3) If you do not have a connection to ArcSDE on H13000MS006, you will have to create one.
Use this link. SDE Connection to H13000ms006
4) Connect to ArcSDE on H13000MS006.
5) Once in ArcSDE, scroll to the new table name and select it and click, “Add”.

Naming Convention Change

The following is an explanation of the new naming conventions we have implemented in ArcSDE on H13000MS006.

You will notice that everything in ArcSDE has a three part name, separated by periods, as follows:


All entries come from one database, called “SDE” (SDE.schema.table_name).
In the past mainframe tables had a schema of “DOTD” (SDE.DOTD.table_name).
If you work with mainframe tables, you will recognize the table names (i.e., STRM_MASTEER, STL_FILE, etc.).
All other data in ArcSDE, including featureclasses containing points, lines, polygons, and images had a schema called “GDB” (SDE.GDB.table_name).

The new naming convention eliminates the “DOTD” schema and all data will be under the “GDB” schema.
Therefore all the entries in ArcSDE will look like this:


The “Table_Name” will be the actual mainframe table name or ArcGIS featureclass name for those data.
You can distinguish mainframe tables by noticing the “_F” or “_V” at the end of the Table_Name.
The “F” signifies that this is a “federated table” from DB2 on the mainframe.
The “V” indicates that the table is actually a “table view” from a mainframe, DB2 dataset.
A view is used to create a dynamic look at a table and we often use it to place new information in a table.
For example the Master structure File has the beginning log-mile of each bridge, but no ending log-mile.
We calculate an “end-mile” and add it, as a field, to the table using the length of the bridge:

end_mile = log_mile + (total_length/5280.)


The server, H13000MS002, will be retired and replaced by H13000MS006.
If you are using data in ArcGIS, from mainframe DB2 tables, you will have to redirect all of your data sources as outlined, above.

If you have any questions or comments please let us know. Contact us