
To be recognized as experts in our field, particularly related to the Procurement of highly technical materials and supplies for the maintenance and repair of a highways and bridges throughout the State of Louisiana.

To assure that all purchases of materials, supplies, equipment and services are made in accordance with all Revised Statutes, Louisiana Administrative Codes, Executive Orders, DOA Policies and Procedures, OSP Directives and DOTD Regulations. As a service to our internal customers, we either handle the process or assist the Districts or Sections through guidance, direction and training. To our external customers, we are committed to assuring that all bidders are treated fairly and equally in the event and award of all bids.

Service:  Provide our stakeholders with service that exceeds their expectations by providing unprecedented assistance with their needs.

Efficiency:  Continuously striving to add value to the procurement process by completing requests in an accurate and timely manner.

Compliance:  Develop and review established Department policies to insure they are clear, concise and easily and properly interpreted to both our internal and external customers so all are able to stay in compliance with statewide statutes, codes and executive orders.

Integrity:  Perform the duties bestowed upon the Procurement Department with the utmost adherence to ethical standards in order to preserve the trust of our end users, vendor community and the public whom we serve.
The link for vendor registration is as follows:  


This web page has been set up to assist those individuals who are not familiar with Louisiana DOTD's procurement process. It will provide you with rules and regulations, specific areas of importance and other areas of interest.