Procurement Staff Listing
The Procurement Departments mission is to assure that all purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and services are made in accordance with all Revised Statutes, Louisiana Administrative Codes, Executives Orders, DOA Policies and Procedures, OSP Directives and DOTD Regulations. As a service to our internal customers, we either handle the process or assist the Districts or Sections through guidance, direction and training. To our external customers, we are committed to assuring that all bidders are treated fairly and equally in the event and award of all bids.
Click Here for a staff list of commodity and contract assignments.
Team A procures a variety of materials and operational services. Materials consist of items including but not limited to Electrical supplies, Equipment, Office Furniture, Safety items, Road and Bridge materials, Aviation equipment, Laboratory equipment, Traffic Detection systems, Security Systems, and a variety of other materials. Operational services include but are not limited to Waste services, Janitorial services, Pest control services and many other services for operations of the Department.
Team B procures a variety of materials/services and submittals of Request for Proposals or Contracts for Professional, Personal, Consulting and Social Services including Complex services. The materials/services consist of items including but not limited to Aggregates for the Roads and Bridges, Paint and Paint supplies, Telecommunications, UPS Systems, etc. RFPs and PPCS Contracts are for services like Motorist Assistant Patrol, Transportation Systems Management and Operations, CPAs, Emergency Cost Recovery, Training courses, and a variety of other services under Title 39.