The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (La DOTD) has finalized the 2009 Louisiana Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The Plan has been developed to ensure that bicycling and walking are fully integrated into the state's transportation system. A PDF of the document (3MB) can be downloaded here.
Who participated in the planning process?
Six public hearings were held around the state with over 300 members of the public in attendance. A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) consisting of representatives from each of the eight Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs); advocates for walking, biking and the elderly; and a number of state agencies.
What does the plan say?
The Louisiana Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan establishes new policies for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development which encourage a complete and multi-modal transportation system for the State of Louisiana.
Some highlights of the plan include the following:
- The Department will consider the needs of pedestrians and bicycles at appropriate stages during all projects and use current nationally recognized planning and design guidelines, manuals and best practices to ensure facilities are built to appropriate standards.
- The Department will provide for the safety and comfort of pedestrians and bicyclists and make every effort to reduce crashes and injuries associated with these modes.
- Restricting bicycle and pedestrian access should not be considered as an appropriate strategy with the exception of those limited access facilities where pedestrians and bicycles are prohibited and other locations where allowing such access would endanger bicyclists and pedestrians.
- The Department will strive to ensure projects do not become barriers to walking and bicycling by providing appropriate safe crossings and ensure transportation projects comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and the Public Right of Ways Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG).