In This Issue
by Bambi Hall

The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development manages projects for the state, as well as some municipalities. At any given time, multi-million dollar projects are happening on a daily basis with one purpose - to strengthen the state's infrastructure and drive economic opportunities. A sound infrastructure means sound communities and every American family and business benefits. To date, Governor Bobby Jindal has invested more than $7 billion in statewide infrastructure improvements. As much as an investment as transportation dollars are, the return is immeasurable. Here's why.
People want to get where they want to go quickly and safely, period. Infrastructure increases human mobility by reducing travel times and facilitating safer, more efficient commuting. It enables a healthy economy to channel goods and services around the globe. It further assists with decreasing wear and tear on vehicles, which helps individuals and businesses save money. Money saved means employers can increase their workforce, communities can promote entrepreneurism, boost commerce by attracting industries, revitalize business districts, encourage tourism and save money for taxpayers.
Economic Benefits
Infrastructure gives access. It helps open new markets, decreases the cost of transportation, speeds deliveries and lowers prices to consumers. To compete in today's global economy, the ability to transport goods cheaply, efficiently and reliably is critically important to not only the state's economy, but also that of the U.S. To assist in this area, DOTD Secretary Sherri H. LeBas says, "It is important to our community that our interstate system grows with our industry and business partners." In the last 30 days, in St. Tammany Parish alone, the state has begun $60 million worth of infrastructure improvements addressing capacity, safety, roadway efficiency and preservation.
Quality of Life
One of the indirect benefits of a strong infrastructure is it creates a sustainable quality of life in the immediate geographical area. It’s a domino effect. As improvements are made, it entices industries to move into the local communities and hire residents who contribute to the tax base, which helps to stimulate the local (and sometimes regional) economy. This usually translates to more funding being freed up for human services that help make communities more attractive.
Room to Grow
As mentioned, businesses and people need reliable and efficient ways to commute. An example of growing the interstate system to adjust to population growth is widening projects. DOTD's Geaux Wider has been addressing both rural and urban segments of Interstates 10 and 12. Currently, work to widen I-12 (in Livingston Parish) to six lanes is underway from the Walker Road interchange to west of the Satsuma Road interchange. Additionally, construction will widen four I-12 bridges between the Satsuma Road interchange and the La. 43 interchange.
In Jefferson Parish, the $42.4 million effort to widen Interstate 10 from six to 10 lanes between Clearview Parkway and Veterans Memorial Boulevard completed in late 2014.
Projects like these are investments in Louisiana’s future. Not only do the improvements enhance safety, but they also improve mobility, reduce travel times for thousands of daily drivers, and help improve the economic development opportunities for the state and the entire Gulf Coast region. Modernizing infrastructure helps to ensure that companies continue to do business in Louisiana and the U.S. instead of elsewhere, taking jobs and revenues with them.
Remember, at the end of the day, good roads cost money; bad roads cost more. Drive safely!
DOTD Engineering Summer Program Enhances Undergraduate Educational Experience
"The knowledge and real world experience I gained while enrolled in the program gave me an advantage over other job applicants with no experience while applying for positions after graduation.”
- Christopher Nipper, DOTD Road Design
Each spring semester, DOTD solicits applications from undergraduate students majoring in civil engineering to participate in the DOTD Engineering Summer Internship Program.
The program is designed to allow students the opportunity to enhance their education by obtaining hands-on work experience in DOTD’s construction, maintenance, and road and bridge design sections. In addition, this internship is vital in obtaining a full-time position after graduation.
During the 11-week program, students work full-time from June 1 through August 14. They are paired with seasoned professional engineers and shadow them to learn what is involved in DOTD improving Louisiana’s transportation infrastructure on a day-by-day basis.
DOTD Secretary Sherri H. LeBas said, “This program is vital in helping DOTD to train tomorrow’s transportation leaders. Each student who participates obtains valuable knowledge and experience they will use throughout their entire careers.”
“Participating in the Engineering Summer Program has meant a great deal to getting my career started here at DOTD,” said former program participant Corey Bourgeois, currently employed in DOTD’s Bridge Design Section.
During his time as a program participant, Bourgeois was able to help develop three major projects in the New Orleans area, including the Peters Road Extension, MacArthur Interchange and Crescent City Connection bridge approach repairs.
Former participant Christopher Nipper of DOTD’s Road Design Section said, “The knowledge and real world experience I gained while enrolled in the program gave me an advantage over other job applicants with no experience while applying for positions after graduation.”
Nipper’s internship allowed him the opportunity to work with a team to develop the new I-12 entrance ramp at Millerville Road, and inspecting roadway signage in New Orleans to determine which signs needed to be replaced or repaired.
To participate in the Engineering Summer Internship Program, must be registered full-time university students with an grade point average of at least 2.5, be classified as a junior or a senior in civil engineering, and have expressed interest in transportation engineering.
Collective Effort Replaces Two Bridges on La. 157 in 11 Days
by Cindy Dorfner
When the bridge rating report came in for the Foxskin Bayou and Foxskin Relief bridges on La. 157 near Haughton in February, officials from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development district office knew they had to work quickly.
A bridge inspection report indicated decaying timber piles, crumbling at the deck panel joints and other structural issues. The rating report required a 5-ton weight restriction, which meant anything heavier than a passenger vehicle would have to use an alternate route. Many emergency vehicles, school buses, and logging trucks, among others, would require a 40-mile detour.
Built in 1959 when traffic was sparse, Haughton’s rapid growth in recent years had taken a toll on these timber bridges.
“There was no question the impact was going to be huge,” said David North, LADOTD district administrator for the northwest parishes. “Our task was to work quickly and get the bridges back in working order.”
A group from the local DOTD district office consulted with bridge experts from DOTD headquarters to find the fastest, most economical way to get the bridges reopened that would afford longevity. It was determined to use pipes for water flow. Members of the design team worked to figure out hydraulics, calculating water flow volumes to determine the size and quantity of the pipes necessary.
When the plan was in place, DOTD headquarters sent a statewide bridge crew to assist. Doubling up on people meant the two bridges could be replaced simultaneously – a fact that significantly reduced the amount of time the bridges were closed. In total, approximately 40 people worked on the bridges.
Because of rainy weather in the days leading up to the April 6th closure, as well as during the project, the crews had to dig deeper than anticipated to find stable ground. In the end, the crews laid nine pipes to handle water flow and replace the two bridges.
The initial plan required a 30-45 day closure, but officials understood the impact to the local drivers affected by the 40-mile detour. With crews working approximately 16-hour days, DOTD lifted its 5-ton restriction and was open to all traffic on April 16th – 11 days after the closure.
“I can’t say enough about the dedication from every person out there on the job,” said Keith Tindell, head of operations at DOTD in Bossier City. “It was an all-in effort and I’m proud of the work they did to get this thoroughfare back open to the public.”
by Deidra Druilhet

Although the start of the 2015 hurricane season began June 1, preparations for emergency response operations have been taking place all year long.
Prior to the start of hurricane season, DOTD personnel have been participating in and conducting state and department-wide hurricane readiness and response exercises. They have also met to review and discuss evacuation and contraflow operations. Our emergency preparedness is not just limited to hurricane season,” said DOTD Secretary Sherri LeBas. “We have a full-time staff dedicated to emergency response preparedness to ensure the safety of the traveling public.”
This April, DOTD staff participated in the Rehearsal of Concept (ROC) drill at the National Guard facility in Carville. Coordinated by the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), ROC is a mock step-by-step hurricane response exercise that involves all Louisiana state agencies and the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Further efforts in May included involvement in the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport evacuation exercise. State and federal agencies participated in a simulated exercise involving the evacuation process using commercial aircrafts.
Additionally, DOTD conducted the annual Mississippi/Louisiana Contraflow meeting in June in Akers, Louisiana. Representatives from DOTD, Louisiana State Police, Mississippi Department of Transportation, Mississippi Highway Patrol, and Florida Highway Patrol met to discuss effective operation plans should contraflow be activated.
“By organizing throughout the year for emergency response operations, we’re able to prepare for individual as well as agency readiness,” said DOTD Director of Emergency Operations Richard Swan.
To maximize response efforts, DOTD has also decentralized many of its response activities to the district level, including vehicle staging areas for emergency evacuation efforts and debris management. This allows personnel with local knowledge to assist in addressing emergency response issues.
In an emergency situation, DOTD is responsible for the transportation of people and critical supplies, as well as, public works and engineering functions such as contraflow, debris management, damage assessment, and emergency repairs to the transportation infrastructure.
Since 2005, DOTD has developed a process to assist people without transportation to evacuate risk areas. DOTD also has established a fully equipped Emergency Operations Center, which includes a call center, an information center, traffic and transportation team, and a combined public works and engineering team. The information center is in operation year-round and includes stations to monitor weather and all modes of transportation (marine traffic, rail, airports, and highways).
In preparation for any emergency response, Swan recommends that individuals develop a readiness plan, in addition to identifying their evacuation routes, which can be found at
For more information on severe weather preparedness or how to develop your own emergency plan, please visit
Helpful Resources

Your source to deciphering "engineer" speak.
Level of Service (LOS): It is a type of measurement on how many cars can be pushed through an intersection or section of roadway at a given time. LOS uses a letter rating system of A through F, with A being the best and F being the worst.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): Refers to the use of advanced technologies (such as traffic sensors and communications equipment) to improve transportation operations.
Above grade: A higher elevation than ground level.
(List of bid results for projects over $1 million between March and May)
Acadiana Region: Acadia, Evangeline, Iberia, Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary and Vermilion
Capitol Region: Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, St. James, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana
- La. 22: La. 44 to La. 70 - This project will resurface 2.9 miles of La. 22 from La. 44 to La. 70. Winning Contractor/Bid: Barber Bros. Contracting Co. LLC/$2,175,616.
- La. 964 and La. 965 Resurfancing- This project will involve resurfacing 2.2 miles of La. 965 from La. 10 to the East Baton Rouge Parish line, and 3.3 miles of La. 964 from U.S. 61 to 3.3 miles south of U.S. 61. Winning Contractor/Bid: Coastal Bridge Co. LLC/$3,494,476.
Central Region: Sabine, Vernon, Winn, Grant, Natchitoches, Avoyelles and Rapides
- I-49: 1.11 Miles South of La. 485 to Desoto Parish Line - This project in Natchitoches Parish will resurface 12.9 miles of I-49 from 1.11 miels of La. 485 to the Desoto Parish line. Winning Contractor/Bid: Gilchrist Construction Co. LLC/$9,149,596.
Greater New Orleans Region: Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles and Terrebonne
- I-10 Pavement Markings Replacement– This project will replace raised pavement markings and plastic pavement striping along a 15.74-mile stretch of I-10 in Orleans Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: Southern Synergy LLC/$1,140,550.
- Inner Harbor Navigational Canal and Algiers Cutoff Bridge Rehabilitation- This project will involve repairing finger joints, bearings and a deck overlay. The project is designed to preserve the existing structure. Winning Contractor/Bid: The Truesdell Corporation/$6,433,433.
- Winsner Boulevard Bridge Replacement- This project will involve replacing the existing structure. Winning Contractor/Bid: Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC/$19,506,389.
Tri-centennial PL Parking, City Park- This project entails site preparation and demolition, vehicle and bus parking, site mechanical, site
electrical, storm drain and landscaping, and minor utility work to be done as part of construction contract. Winning Contractor/Bid: Cobalt Construction, Inc/$1,835,122.
- U.S. 90 Median Crossover Improvements- Winning Contractor/Bid: Barriere Construction Co., LLC/$1,862,531.
- La. 3090: La. 1 to Fourchon City- This project will resurface over 3.47 miles of La. 3090 from La. 1 to Fourchon City in Lafourche Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: Huey Stockstill, Inc/$3,826,889.
Northeast Region: East Carroll, Jackson, Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Ouachita, Richland, Union and West Carroll
- La. 542: La. 811 to La. 155 - This project in Jackson Parish will resurface approximately 2.8 miles of La. 542 from La. 811 to La. 155. Winning Contractor/Bid: Diamond B Construction Co. LLC/$1,399,970.
- La. 580: Jones Bayou to U.S. 65- This project will resurface over 4 miles of La. 580 from Joes Bayou to U.S. 65. Winning Contractor/Bid: D & J Construction Co. LLC/$3,444,636.
- La. 557: Caldwell Parish Line to La. 34- This project will resurface over 11.12 miles of La. 557 from the Caldwell Parish Line to La. 34 in Ouachita Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: Diamond B Construction Co. LLC/$1,425,005.
Northwest Region: Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, Desoto, Red River and Webster
- District 04 Bridge Rehabilitation and Repairs - This project will rehabilitate various bridges in District 04 by performing decdk, joints and girders repairs. Winning Contractor/Bid: Gibson & Associates Inc/$4,490,055.
- U.S. 84 Passing Lanes: Winning Contractor/Bid: Best-Yet Builders, LLC/$2,588,944.
- Lyons Hill and Flat Lick Road Bridges- This project will replace two bridges in Claiborne Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: Best-Yet Builders, LLC/$1,111,119.
- La. 154: La. 792 to La. 507- This project will resurface and widen a total of 4.9 miles of La. 154 from La. 792 to La. 507 in Bienville Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: Madden Contracting Co., LLC/$1,808,359.
Northshore Region: Livingston, St. Helena, St. John, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa and Washington
- La. 1085 and La. 1077 Roundabout– This project will construct a roundabout at the instersection of La. 1085 and La. 1077 in St. Tammany Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: Kort's Construction Services, Inc/$3,217,250.
- U.S. 190: Roundabout at Eden Church- Winning Contractor/Bid: KCR Contractors, LLC/$2,396,427.
Southwest Region: Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jefferson Davis
- Toomey Rest Area Improvements- This project will involve reconstructing the Toomey Rest Area along I-10.Winning Contractor/Bid: Quality Design & Construction, LLC/$16,394,500.
- La. 11138-2 Widening - TThis project will widen a .40-mile section of La. 1138-2 from the existing 3-lane to Contraband Bayou. Winning Contractor/Bid: John Bailey Inc/$2,444,174.
- Frontage Road Construction Lake Charles- This project will involve constructing turnarounds underneath I-10 at Kirkman Street and Enterprise Boulevard. Winning Contractor/Bid: JD's Rebar & Construction, Inc/$2,020,000.
Mid-northeast Region: Caldwell, Catahoula, Concordia, Franklin, LaSalle, and Tensas
- La. 133: La. 4 to La. 561 - This project will overlay approximately six miles of La. 133 from La. 4 to La. 561. Winning Contractor/Bid: Gilchrist Construction Co. LLC/$2,621,010.
- La. 605 and La. 607 Patch and Overlay- This project will resurface a total of 5.79 miles throughout La. 605 and La. 607. Winning Contractor/Bid: D & J Construction Co. LLC/$1,675,513.
- La. 3159: U.S.84 to End of Maintenance- This project will resurface a total of 3.2 miles of La. 3159 from U.S. 84 to End of Maintenance in LaSalle Parish. Winning Contractor/Bid: D & J Construction Co. LLC/$1,422,353.