Local Public Agencies

There are many opportunities for a Local Public Agency (LPA) to receive a project through the Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD). One source of funding emphasized on this site is Federal aid funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). These are cost reimbursable funds provided to the DOTD by the FHWA and are passed through the DOTD to the LPA with oversight by the DOTD and FHWA.

Please remember that any cost reimbursable phases available for a project require written approval from the DOTD prior to any money being spent. 

This website is intended to assist the LPA know the available programs, how to obtain a project, and information that will assist in fulfilling the requirements of planning, environmental clearance, design, utility certification, right-of-way acquisition, construction and maintenance.  Proper execution of this information is critical in the processes, conditions and necessary approvals in order to have a project designed, advertised, bid and let to construction in accordance with DOTD requirements.   



Project of the Quarter

This space will be used for future projects of the quarters.  If an entity would like to submit a project to be recognized, please submit the project along with a picture to your Project Manager.


