Complete Streets Advisory Council

The Complete Streets Advisory Council is comprised of representatives from DOTD, AARP, CPEX, FHWA, metropolitan planning organizations, universities, and other interested complete streets advocay groups.  ​


    • To work with the Department to adopt and maintain an up to date Complete Streets Policy that balances the access, mobility, health and safety needs of all users of the transportation system.

    • To assist the department with the implementation of the Complete Streets policy by assisting with the development of performance measures and by monitoring the progress though review of the annual progress report.



    • ​​To safely and efficiently accommodate all road users
    • To create a network that balances integration of context sensitivity, access and mobility for all users
    • To provide leadership and establish partnerships with local public agencies on implementing the policy.




3rd Quarter Meeting Agenda September 8 2022.pdf
605 KB
3rd Quarter Meeting September 8 2022.txt
1 KB
