Highway Inventory

The Highway Inventory Unit coordinates collection and collaboration efforts to provide a clearinghouse and source for public road attribute data according to federal guidelines through field personnel, collaboration with local entities and contract services. This Unit develops and maintains the public road system and its functional systems in Louisiana and manages its content including the state highway system and the numbered highway systems and the authorization processes all for the purpose of managing and providing information essential to the general administration of the public roads in Louisiana.


Functional Classification Maps:


National Highway System (NHS) Maps:


Lane Miles and Vehicle Miles Traveled Report (State Highway System Only):


Inventory Reports

Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2013).pdf
6/10/2015 11:07 AM16 KB
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2014).pdf
6/10/2015 11:07 AM16 KB
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2015).pdf
3/31/2016 8:38 AM22 KB
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2016).pdf
1/8/2018 9:49 AM22 KB
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2017).pdf
10/3/2018 8:08 AM22 KB
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2018).pdf
5/16/2019 7:34 AM22 KB
Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (2019).pdf
6/2/2020 10:09 AM22 KB
Lane Miles (2013).pdf
6/10/2015 11:07 AM27 KB
Lane Miles (2014).pdf
6/10/2015 11:07 AM27 KB
Lane Miles (2015).pdf
3/31/2016 8:39 AM33 KB
Lane Miles (2016).pdf
1/8/2018 9:49 AM32 KB
Lane Miles (2017).pdf
10/3/2018 8:08 AM33 KB
Lane Miles (2018).pdf
5/16/2019 7:34 AM33 KB
Lane Miles (2019).pdf
6/2/2020 10:10 AM32 KB
State Routes Report 20180208.pdf
2/15/2018 1:33 PM871 KB
State Routes Report 20200909.pdf
9/9/2020 9:55 AM113 KB


Utility to Convert Control Section/Route Logmile to Lat/Long:


DOTD Contacts WS


225-379-1283Highway Inventory Engineer
225-242-4573Eng Tech 7, Highway Inventory & Data Collection Supervisor
225-242-4583Highway Revisions Manager, Eng Tech DCL

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