Metropolitan Planning Program (49 USC 5303)

Description: This program establishes a cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive framework for making transportation investment decisions in metropolitan areas. Objectives are to assist in development of transportation improvement programs, long-range transportation plans, and other technical studies.

Eligible Recipients: State DOTs and Metropolitan Planning Organizations

Eligible Purposes: Those that support the economic vitality of the metropolitan area, especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency; increase the safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users; increase the accessibility and mobility options available to people and for freight; protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality of life; enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight; promote efficient system management and operation; and emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system.

Allocation of Funding: Funds are allocated by formula, with the national level of funding authorization varying by year, depending on the degree to which Congress appropriates non-guaranteed funds authorized for appropriation from the General Fund.

Match: The Federal share is 80 percent and the local share is 20 percent.

Funding Availability: Year appropriated plus three years.

Reports: (1) Progress reports; (2) Financial report upon completion of the project; and (3) Final technical study report (if applicable). Audits: In accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular No. A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Nonprofit Organizations.

Records: Required to retain intact, for 3 years following submission of the final Financial Status Report pending resolution of audit findings, all project contract documents, financial records, and supporting documents.

For More Information Contact: 225-379-3060.