State Planning and Research Program (49 USC 5313{b})

Description: To assist in the development of cost effective multimodal transportation improvement programs which include the planning, engineering, and designing of Federal Transit projects, and other technical studies in a program for a unified and officially coordinated Statewide Transportation System.

Eligible Recipients: State DOTs.

Eligible Purposes: Includes such activities as planning, technical studies and assistance, innovative demonstrations, management training, and cooperative research. In addition, the State may authorize a portion of these funds to be used to supplement and administer Metropolitan Planning funds allocated by the State to its urbanized areas, as the State deems appropriate.

Allocation of Funding: Funds are allocated by formula. Match: The Federal share is 80 percent and the State's share is 20 percent.

Funding Availability: Year appropriated plus three years.

Reports: (1) Progress reports; (2) Financial report upon completion of the project and (3) Final technical study report (if applicable). 

Records Retention: State is required to retain intact, for 3 years following submission of the final financial status report pending resolution of audit findings, all project contract documents, financial records, and supporting documents.

For More Information call 225-379-3060​