​Bridge Load Rating

Purpose: The Bridge Load Rating group is responsible for determining the live load carrying capacity of a bridge. The rating values are applicable to maintaining the safe use of the bridge and arriving at posting and permitting decisions. There are 8,000 bridges on the state system and 5,000 off-system bridges owned by various entities, and each bridge must be evaluated and monitored on a regular basis in order to be in compliance with Title 23 of the US Code. In addition to regular review and rating of bridges, the load rating unit also evaluates structural condition changes due to natural forces, accidents, or planned structural modifications and repairs. The unit also evaluates the ability of on-system bridges to accommodate overweight vehicle permit loads. The Bridge Rating group also provides assistance to off-system bridge owners for load rating.


Goals: To ensure that all on and off system bridges are rated in accordance with Title 23 of the US Code according to their current conditions. Ensure that the NBIS Oversight Program Metrics for the Oversight of the National Bridge Inspection Program are met for load rating and load posting of bridges. Evaluate and expedite overweight vehicle permit load requests as needed.

Bridge Load Rating Documents

​The Bridge Load Rating Program was transferred to the Bridge Maintenance Section.  Please contact the Bridge Maintenance Section for load rating assistance.  Click here to contact the "On-System Rating" group.

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