On-System Bridge Program
This web site is designed to provide you with information regarding the On System Bridge Program.
Purpose: To repair, rehabilitation, and replace deficient structures on the National Highway System (NHS) and state owned routes. To provide designs and detailed plans consistent with the Design Guidelines set by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Goals: During selection of candidate structures a major emphasis is placed on structure age and condition; bridge load restrictions, structural deficient bridges, truck routes, high ADT, timber structures, and providing route continuity. An attempt is made to strike a balance between replacement and rehabilitation, large structures and small structures, while also addressing more immediate major structural repair projects.
Funding: Generally the FHWA provides 80% for the design and construction of projects with a 20% State match. On interstate projects, the funding is 90% FHWA and 10% State. Under special circumstances, on previously established freight corridors, the funding is 95% FHWA and 5% State.
Program Years: Generally, projects are programmed out 8 years in advance. On a yearly basis the program is reviewed and a determination is made to add additional projects. Continuously, information is being acquired on deficient structures to be considered during the next selection period and urgent bridge repair projects are scheduled as necessary.