​Off System Bridge Program

This web site is designed to provide you with information regarding the Off System Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement Program. More detailed information is provided on links.

Purpose: To replace or rehabilitate structurally deficient or functionally obsolete parish structures in a cost efficient manner. To provide design, detailed plans, and construction for replacement projects with emphasis on meeting the minimum design standards set by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

Participation: All parishes are eligible to participate in the program. To qualify for participation, the parish must complete the "Annual Certification" confirming all maintenance requirements are met. Information regarding this certification may be obtained from the District Maintenance Engineer. The parish must also have a signed "Cooperative Endeavor Agreement" with DOTD.

Funding: The FHWA provides 80% funding for the design and construction of the projects. The State contributes the 20% matching funds. The funds are distributed amongst the parishes based on the percentage of surface area of qualified structures.

Program Cycle: Every two years, participating parishes are provided with a list of qualified structures, estimated replacement costs, specific instructions, and the parishes' available funds. The program is typically initiated in odd numbered years.

Requirements of the Parish: In order to continue participation in the Program, the parish must do the following:

    • Choose viable structures for replacement.
    • Obtain any required right-of-way or servitude within a specific timeframe.
    • Relocate conflicting utilities prior to construction.
    • Obtain permits needed for environmental clearance or construction.


DOTD Contacts WS


225-379-1047Off-System Bridge Program Manager