Louisiana will receive approximately 73 million dollars for electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure through President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD) plans to administer the deployment of electric vehicle charging station infrastructure throughout the State.
As part of the EV infrastructure deployment plan, the U.S. Legislature has made National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program funds available for expenditure by state transportation agencies. These funds will cover 80 percent of the EV infrastructure expenses with a minimum 20 percent state match covered by grant recipients. To disburse these funds, LA DOTD is developing a competitive grant program that allows for a phased approach to the buildout of electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) over five years that meets federal requirements of DC Fast Chargers within one mile of designated corridors.
Sign up for updates on our EV grant program through MyDOTD by visiting La DOTD - MyDOTD and selecting the option to “Sign Up Now” to create an account, or sign in to customize your alerts and select “Electric Vehicle Grant Program”. Please send comments and/or inquiries to DOTD.EVProgram@la.gov. You can also take our public survey here.