Entity State Agreements​


​1.       The following documents should be completed and provided when requesting an  Entity State Agreement:

    • Agreements Memo Request (signed/approved by your Section Head)
    • Prepared Template for the type of agreement request or ESA Request Form
    • Responsible Charge Form
    • Sub-recipient Final Risk Assessment Determination Letter (FRAD)
    • Assistance Listing Number (ALN)
    • Unique Entity ID Number
    • Contact Person’s Name, Title, Mailing Address, and Email Address
    • Funding Commitment Letter (FCL), if applicable
    • Attachments or Exhibits, if applicable 
  • *FYI: The templates can be found under templates and the forms can be found under Forms at the bottom of this page.

 2.     When all documents have been prepared and completed by the Project Manager, the Project Manager may email the request and documents to:

For Entity State Agreements - DOTDCCSAgreements@la.gov

3.     When the Entity State Agreement Request is received by CCS, it will be assigned to a CGR processor. The CGR processor will communicate with the Project Manager throughout the process until the agreement is fully executed.

4.     Depending on the workload for Entity State Agreements Unit, please allow a minimum of 72 hours for the processor to provide an update on your request or an un-approved draft for your review and approval. If more information is needed to prepare a successful draft, the CGR processor will reach out to the Project Manager requesting the additional information or clarification.

5.     If the request is a RUSH, please communicate this in the email for the request.

6.     Once an approved draft is in place, the agreement will be sent to the Entity or MPO for signature. CCS cannot give you a timeline on the Entity or MPO process once they received the agreement; however, every 30 days until we receive a signed agreement we will follow up with the Entity or MPO until we have a signed agreement. We encourage the Project Managers to communicate with the named Entity or MPO to assist us with getting the agreement signed and return to us in a timely manner.

7.     The Project Manager will always be included in each step of our process until the agreement is fully executed. We welcome status request from the Project Manager about their agreement request.

8.     Cooperative Endeavor Agreements are prepared by legal. If you are in need of a CEA or unique agreement, please send an email to: DOTDCCSAgreements@la.gov. The email should include a brief statement of the request and the special need of the agreement request. Agreements will meet with legal to prepare a draft for your approval.

9.     All Agreements processed by CCS will require a Sub-recipient Final Risk Assessment Letter. If you do not have one or you are not sure if one is needed, please see the information for sub-recipient letters under OTHER INFORMATION on the agreements  web page.

10.   All agreements, before execution, should have a Unique ID Number (SAM). The Unique ID Number is the same as the SAM document number. This number can be provided by the Entity or MPO. 

11.     The Assistance Listing Number (ALN) is the new name for CFDA Number. Thinumber is assigned in the awarding document to most grants and cooperative agreements funded by the Federal government. Budget or Accounting can provide this number for you if you don’t know it.

12.   When the agreement is fully executed, an original agreement will be kept on file in CCS, and the Entity or MPO will be mailed an original agreement. All Entity State Agreements are filed into FileNet when fully executed. The Project Manager will received an email with a copy of the signed fully executed agreement for their files.

13.   CCS Entity State Agreements is in the process of transitioning to paperless documents. We now accept DocuSign documents and letters.

14.   All agreements and forms templates can be found under the Entity State Agreements tab under templates, forms, and other documents.

15.   If you have further questions regarding agreements, please contact the Agreements Supervisor or Manager.​

(this email is monitored daily)


Entity State Agreements

Entity State Agreement Template 8.19.24.docxEntity State Agreement Template 8.19.2410/10/2024 6:37 AM86 KB
Lighting template 8.19.24.docxLighting template 8.19.2410/10/2024 6:38 AM43 KB
Planning Template 10.10.24.docxPlanning Template 10.10.2410/10/2024 6:51 AM49 KB
Sidewalk template 8.19.24.docxSidewalk template 8.19.2410/10/2024 6:38 AM32 KB
Supplemental Agreement template 8.19.24.docSupplemental Agreement template 8.19.2410/10/2024 6:38 AM71 KB
Utility Relocation Agreement URA 8.19.24.docxUtility Relocation Agreement URA 8.19.2410/10/2024 6:39 AM37 KB


Agreements Memo Requests Template.docAgreements Memo Requests Template12/24/2024 10:10 AM721 KB
ESA Request Form.xlsxESA Request Form12/24/2024 10:06 AM61 KB
FCL - Funding Commitment Letter Template.docxFCL - Funding Commitment Letter Template12/24/2024 10:14 AM57 KB
Responsible Charge for Federal-Aid Projects.docxResponsible Charge for Federal-Aid Projects12/24/2024 10:16 AM23 KB
​​​​Other Information

Other Information

10/17/2023 7:28 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo