​Process & Procedures




Checklist for Claims Revised 7.2024.pdfChecklist for Claims Revised 7.20248/27/2024 7:19 PM114 KB
Consultant and Project Manager Checklist for Claim.pdfConsultant and Project Manager Checklist for Claim3/18/2016 3:39 PM167 KB
Submitting a Claim 7.2024.pdfSubmitting a Claim 7.20248/27/2024 7:19 PM78 KB

Errors and Omissions



DOTD Errors Omissions Policy.pdfDOTD Errors Omissions Policy3/18/2016 2:38 PM115 KB

General Information


 General Information

Questions and Answers in Response to updated guidance on indirect cost rates 7 19 17.pdf
7/19/2017 2:59 PM683 KB
Consultant Compensation and Work Type Memo Rev 2.29.24 Signed.pdf
6/4/2024 1:00 PM1142 KB


Job Classifications

A firm submitting an engineering proposal should use the following definitions in setting forth the man-hour requirements to perform the required work. In furnishing audit information, the firm should designate the proper persons with their rates to the proper classification. The auditors will verify the personnel classifications provided by the firm to see that the rates are properly segregated.



Job Classifications with Descriptions.pdfJob Classifications with Descriptions10/16/2020 1:49 PM138 KB
Statewide Average Salaries and Indirect Cost Rates to be used for 2024.pdfStatewide Average Salaries and Indirect Cost Rates to be used for 20243/21/2024 2:55 PM93 KB

Procurement Process



CCS Manual rev Dec 2020.pdfCCS Manual rev Dec 20201/4/2024 1:42 PM484 KB

Project Evaluation Teams (PET)



 Project Evaluation Teams (PET)

Signed PET Letter to DOTD Consultants.pdf
4/22/2021 11:15 AM354 KB
Supplemental Ethics Requirements Contract Language Revised 8.2024.pdf
8/27/2024 9:29 PM123 KB
PET 6 Project Evaluation Teams and Revised Supplemental Ethics 8.2024.pdf
8/27/2024 9:45 PM185 KB

Selection Protests and Appeal Procedures



Protests and Appeal Procedures  8-1-2020.pdfProtests and Appeal Procedures 8-1-20207/30/2020 1:53 PM121 KB

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