
Guidance for Consultants, MPOs, LPAs and Project Managers

Effective 8/6/24, direct all invoice inquiries, questions, requests, reports, financial matters, claims, all audit matters, and other invoice matters to the following email address: DOTDCCSInvoices@LA.GOV.
You do not need to email any other personnel when sending an email, this email is monitored daily.​

    1. The DOTD Standard Invoice format is required for all invoices.
    2. Consultant Contract Services Administrator approval is required for funding changes.
    3. Direct expense reimbursement eligibility is determined in accordance with the Louisiana Travel Guide https://www.doa.la.gov/doa/ost/ppm-49-travel-guide/​.
    4. Invoices must reconcile with the previously submitted invoice.
    5. Invoices submitted with work performed prior to the Notice to Proceed (NTP) date will be returned.
    6. Invoices require a signature by a Principal of the firm.
    7. Invoices submitted without the required backup, or those with mathematical calculation errors will be returned.
    8. State rates for lodging, mileage, meals, etc. are located at: https://www.doa.la.gov/doa/ost/ppm-49-travel-guide/.



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Retrieving PO Overview for Invoicing.pdfRetrieving PO Overview for Invoicing6/24/2021 2:24 PM222 KB

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