





CCS Manual rev Dec 2020.pdfCCS Manual rev Dec 20204/27/2021 1:07 PM484 KB
DOTD Architectural Procedures Manual.pdfDOTD Architectural Procedures Manual3/18/2016 2:28 PM150 KB
PM Guidance for Evaluating Proposals for Advertisement.pdfPM Guidance for Evaluating Proposals for Advertisement11/24/2024 6:42 AM153 KB

Letter for Consultants to request specific rates update to be used only for Contracts executed on or after August 2021. 


For new contract actions use the following email address: DOTDCCSRequests@la.gov

​When you email the above email address, please do not copy other CCS staff so that we do not have multiple people responding to the same email.

These emails are checked daily and work is assigned in the order that it is received.


Scope: (in editable format) 

The scope should be written by the DOTD Project Manager, keeping in mind that DOTD is directing "the Consultant" in what services shall be performed.  The contract is between DOTD and "the Consultant".  Names of consultants shall not be mentioned in the scope of services.  Dates and calendar days should be removed from the scope and included in the Schedule of Deliverables that is sent out with the Notice to Proceed Letter. 

Compensation Type:

To determine the type of compensation to be used per work type, see the Chief Engineer’s memo Compensation per Work Type, click on the link below: 


(deviation from this table requires Chief Engineer approval)

Negotiated contracts:

For information regarding negotiated contracts, see Section 2.1 Negotiated Contracts​ of the CCS Manual rev Dec 2020, which can be found above under Manuals or at the following link: CCS Manual rev Dec 2020

Work-hours: ​PM shall include with request:

    • DOTD independent work-hours
    • Consultant independent work-hours
    • Cost proposal (based on consultant’s current audited rates)

The Consultant shall submit the cost proposal using the agreed upon work-hours per prime, per sub, per H# and per service, if applicable. 

The cost proposal shall include the consultant’s current audited rates, not statewide averages, and shall be in the same compensation format as the contract action.  For example, it shall not be in specific rates of compensation format if the compensation type is lump sum.

Non-negotiated contracts: 
Work-hours are developed by DOTD and shall not include a cost proposal from the Consultant.

Direct expenses:

    • Meals, lodging and mileage: see links below (specify if multiple people and multiple trips)

Meals: 1st and last day are now 75% and all days in between are full days and now includes M&IE (meals and incidental expenses) – check for location specific rates

​Lodging: check for current GSA rates for location specific rates

​Domestic Travel Lodging and Meal Rates - GSA

Mileage: check for current GSA rates

​Mileage Rate for Personally Owned Vehicles - GSA

    •  Quotes: need quote(s) to support price in cost proposals

Traffic Control, Police Support, Specialty Equipment Rentals, etc.

If Consultant owned equipment, see Article XXXIV Most Favored Customer Status (November 2021) in the contract.

Supplement to a Task Order Division Head approval is required.

Secondary Selection Form (if applicable) (for IDIQ contracts with similar services)

  • ​Secondary Selection form/justification required to be submitted with original task orders.​

           IDIQ Guidance Memo 2018 and Secondary Selection.pdfIDIQ Guidance Memo 2018 and Secondary Selection.pdf

Check legal maximum allowed for additional contract actions:

    • ​​Supplemental Agreement(s) to an Original Contract dated July 1, 2009, and afterward: the sum of all work must not exceed 1.75 times the value of either the Original Contract amount or the maximum compensation approved in the advertisement request by the Division Head, whichever is higher. If the supplemental agreement’s compensation exceeds 1.75 then a non-competitive select would require Secretary Approval.
​​Use the following form for the non-competitive supplemental agreement 
  • ​​​​​F​​or new Task Orders, the sum of all work must not exceed the value of the IDIQ contract amount or run past the IDIQ expiration date.
​​​Extra Work Letter:
  • An Extra Work Letter may be issued by the PM in cases when the additional compensation is small and the work does not constitute a change in scope.  The cumulative value of all Extra Work Letters shall not exceed 10% of the cumulative value of all contract compensation exclusive of Extra Work Letters (original contract compensation plus all Supplemental Agreements).​
 Project Manager Forms

Project Manager Forms

48 292 Non Competitive Request to Hire Consultant Rev 12.2024.doc
12/6/2024 7:38 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo
Extra Work Letter to Project Specific Contract Request Form Rev 11.2024.docx
11/25/2024 7:42 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo
NTP Master for Original Contracts and Supplemental Agreements Rev 12.24.docx
12/6/2024 7:38 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo
NTP Master for Task Orders Rev 12.24.docx
12/6/2024 7:39 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo
PM Request to Increase Compensation to IDIQ Contract Rev 11.2024.docx
11/23/2024 12:01 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo
Supplemental Agreement to Project Specific Contract Request Form Rev 12.2024.docx
12/6/2024 7:37 PMNo presence informationPaulette Territo
Task Order-Supplement to Task Order Request Form Rev 2.27.2025.docx
2/27/2025 8:20 AMNo presence informationPaulette Territo


The prime consultant submits a request to the DOTD Project Manager, to add a sub-consultant.  The request needs to state why they want to add the sub-consultant and which service(s) the sub-consultant is being added to the contract to perform. 

The prime consultant must complete a DOTD Form 24-104:

  • Sections 1-10 with the sub-consultant’s information; 
  • Section 13 with the sub-consultant’s DOTD job classifications to be used on this contract; 
  • Section 14 the revised Org Chart;
  • Section 15 MPR table (if applicable); 
  • Section 16 resumes of sub-consultant’s applicable personnel; and 
  • Section 20 certifications (if applicable).

As the DOTD Project Manager, if you are in agreement with the requested changes, then you forward the prime consultant’s request to Mark Chenevert, indicating that you approve the request, along any attached files (DOTD Form 24-102 mentioned above) from the consultant, by email.  You do not need to send a letter or hard copy.

Mark Chenevert will review and send it to the Chief Engineer for signature.  Once Mark has received it back, signed by the Chief Engineer, he will email a copy of the approval to the DOTD Project Manager.  The PM can forward that approval to the prime consultant.

If that contract has specific rates of compensation, they will be setup based on the classifications provided in Section 13 of the provided DOTD Form 24-104, when the approval is submitted to CCS for adding the consultant to the contract.​ 

24-102 DOTD Form September 2024.docx24-102 DOTD Form September 2024.docx ​​​​​​​​