Advertisements & Manuals



Guidance for Project Managers to Advertise Projects

  1. Complete the Projected Ads Website Form and email completed excel form to as soon as you know you are going to advertise for a consultant.
    1. The project must be posted on the Projected Ads Website a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to posting any advertisement. You can put a project on the website as early as you would like prior to submitting your request to advertise. Keep in mind that consultants may be reaching out to you for information regarding the project, see 1b.
    2. Posting this projected advertisement allows the consultants know what is possibly upcoming and prepare for submitting and to reach out to the Project Manager and discuss the upcoming project.
    3. When meeting with consultants, details discussed should not include specifics that would give any one consultant an advantage over another and should be consistent with all consultants. Prepare your list of items to discuss and stay on those topics, which should be based on the project.
    4. When you do submit the actual advertisement request, your scope should be detailed enough to give a clear vision of what is expected on your project. If additional services may be required, those are to be listed in the advertisement as “Additional Services” that may be required and initiated through Supplemental Agreement.
    5. If you do not advertise in the quarter that you projected, please provide an update to the quarter as soon as you know when it will be projected to advertise.
    6. CCS will be reaching out each quarter to request an update to those projects who did not post in the projected quarter asking for an updated quarter. Please provide any other updates as needed, such as project manager or scope of services.
  2. Once you are ready to submit to CCS to request an advertisement you will do the following:
    1. Review the Advertisement Request Outline
    2. Complete the Advertisement Request Form
    3. Submit that approved request along with editable scope, minimum personnel requirements and estimated compensation to To be compliant with FAR, CCS must receive estimated compensation for project specific and entity projects.
    4. If requested information is not submitted, this could delay your request from being processed timely.
    5. Advertisements post for 21 calendar days unless otherwise specified (i.e.: complicated project that needs more time for the consultants to team up, such as I-10 Widening)




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