​Engineering Documents and Manuals

Project Delivery

Contractor Requests & Proposals

Disclaimer: This form is to be used by the Prime Contractor on active construction projects to request information from the Department concerning the plans, specifications, special provisions or constructabilty on a specific project or to submit a value engineering or contractor proposal.



Design Files Disclaimer (11-23)_cc.pdfDesign Files Disclaimer (11-23)_cc5/9/2024 12:08 PM397 KB
RFI-Proposal Form.pdfRFI-Proposal Form6/11/2024 1:11 PM13 KB
RFI-Proposal Form.xlsRFI-Proposal Form6/11/2024 1:11 PM39 KB
RFI-Proposals Instructions.pdfRFI-Proposals Instructions3/19/2018 4:07 PM89 KB

Misc. Engineering Documents, Forms and Manuals 


 Misc Documents

Folder: Construction Contract Administration Manual
Construction Contract Administration Manual
Certificate of Final Inspection and Payment.pdf
Certificate of Release.pdf
Comite River Diversion Canal CMAR Project - RFQ (conformed).pdf
Comite River Diversion Canal CMAR Project Letters of Interest.pdf
Contractor's Affidavit.pdf
DOTD Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) Manual (2020).pdf
DOTD Construction Plans Quality Control - Quality Assurance Manual (QC-QA).aspx
DOTD Self-Generated Legislative Authority.pdf
Errors and Omissions Policy and Procedures.aspx
A Guide To Constructing, Operating, and Maintaining Highway Lighting Systems
Hooper Road Widening CMAR Letters of Interest (3-31-23).pdf
Hooper Road Widening CMAR Notice of Intent (3-20-23).pdf
LA 1 LA 415 Connector CMAR Letters of Interest (4-14-23).pdf
LA 1 LA 415 Connector CMAR Notice of Intent (3-20-23).pdf
Lighting on State Highways.pdf
Policy For Roadside Vegetation Management.pdf
Right of Entry Form for Construction Projects.doc