DBE Contract Administration Unit

The DBE Contract Administration Unit of the Compliance Programs Office is required to determine compliance with DBE contract specification and federal regulations on all Federal Aid DBE goal projects. This includes monitoring the performance of contractors and subcontractors from pre-award to completion. We are responsible for the following activities:

  • Review and approve CS-6AAA Forms (DBE Goal Projects only)
  • Assist low bidders, to submit forms electronically
  • Monitor monthly payments to DBE's
  • Perform commercially useful function reviews
  • Resolve conflicts and complaints
  • Evaluate completed projects for compliance with these contract requirements
  • Approve all Request to Sublet documents (state and federal projects)

All Federal Aid Construction Projects include the following statement on Page G1: "Failure to comply with the Required Contract Provisions for DBE Participation in Federal Aid Construction Contracts shall constitute a breach of contract and, after notification by DOTD may result in rejection of the bid; termination of the contract, deduction from the contract funds due or to become due the contractor; or other such remedy as DOTD deems appropriate." We are available to provide assistance to the contracting community in complying with all DBE contract issues.

DBE Documents

Bidders Assurance of DBE and SBE Participation (Form CS-6AAA).aspxBidders Assurance of DBE and SBE Participation (Form CS-6AAA)5/14/2014 2:01 PM2 KB
Contractor Final Report (Form CP-2A) for DBE.SBE 8.14.docContractor Final Report (Form CP-2A) for DBE.SBE 8.148/7/2014 6:33 AM46 KB
CP-2A FORM 7.15.14.pdfCP-2A FORM 7.15.148/7/2014 6:55 AM49 KB
DBE Good Faith Effort Documentation Form.pdfDBE Good Faith Effort Documentation Form12/18/2013 12:45 PM271 KB
DBE Program Plan - 2023 Update.pdfDBE Program Plan - 2023 Update5/23/2023 2:30 PM7498 KB
Form 1273.pdfForm 12731/7/2019 10:52 AM6324 KB
Request to Sublet and Extract of Subcontract (Form OMF-1A).aspxRequest to Sublet and Extract of Subcontract (Form OMF-1A)5/14/2014 2:02 PM2 KB

225-379-1762DBE / SBE Programs Managers
225-379-1494DBE/SBE Contract Administration Program Manager
225-379-1411DBE Contract Administration Program Specialist