DOTD SBE Certification

The Small Business Element (SBE) Program was created to remedy past and current discrimination against SBE firms. The intention is to level the playing field for economically disadvantaged individuals wanting to do business with the DOTD on U.S. Department of Transportation federally assisted projects.

The Compliance Programs Section, SBE Certification Unit, certifies businesses capable of performing services and/or products which can be credited toward SBE goals. The certification process ensures that only qualified small business firms that are controlled by one or more economically disadvantaged individuals are certified for this program. The first step in the certification process is to complete and submit a SBE application.

In order to comply with regulatory mandates, our department will accept SBE certifications from the City of Baton Rouge, and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority. In order for the SBE certified firms to be included on the DOTD SBE directory, the firm must request in writing and provide documentation to the DOTD SBE Certification Unit verifying their SBE Certification and the items of work the firm is certified in. Accepting the certification from the City of Baton Rouge and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority will eliminate the necessity for SBE firms to complete multiple applications as certification decisions are reciprocally accepted with these agencies.

SBE Documents

SBE Annual Affidavit 7.15.14.pdfSBE Annual Affidavit 7.15.147/15/2014 11:01 AM107 KB
SBE DOTD Certification Application 5.28.21.docx.pdfSBE DOTD Certification Application 5.28.21.docx6/1/2021 9:47 AM936 KB
SBE Good Faith Effort Documentation Form7.3.12.pdfSBE Good Faith Effort Documentation Form7.3.1212/18/2013 10:18 AM281 KB
SBE Supporting Documents Checklist.pdfSBE Supporting Documents Checklist2/26/2015 8:24 AM92 KB


225-379-1762DBE / SBE Programs Managers
225-379-1775DBE/SBE Certification Programs Specialist
504-376-0233DBE/SBE Certification Programs Specialist/N.O. Office


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