DOTD DBE Certification

The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program was created to remedy past and current discrimination against DBE firms. The intention is to level the playing field for socially and economically disadvantaged individuals wanting to do business with the DOTD on U.S. Department of Transportation federally assisted projects.

The Compliance Programs Section, Certification Unit, certifies businesses capable of performing services and/or products which can be credited toward DBE goals. The certification process ensures that only qualified small business firms that are independently owned and controlled by one or more socially and economically disadvantaged individuals are certified for this program. The first step in the certification process is to complete and submit a DBE application.


In order to comply with regulatory mandates, LADOTD has collectively joined with the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority to develop and implement uniform procedures for DBE certification. This program eliminates the necessity for DBE firms to complete multiple applications, as certification decisions are reciprocally accepted throughout the UCP membership in Louisiana. Any firm may apply with our department; however, the other 2 agencies listed above and the LADOTD New Orleans DBE Office are restricted by geographic location. Our department is recognized as the certifying agent for all airports and transit authorities located within the boundaries of Louisiana who have contracting opportunities in excess of $250,000.00 annually. This authority excludes those entities mentioned in the previous paragraph.

For further information on the UCP, or to download a DBE application, please go to:

DBE firms certified in other states as their home state are required to follow the interstate certification expectations as outlined in 49 CFR §26.85(c) of the Code of Federal Regulations.  Below are links to the Louisiana Unified Certification Program interstate certification checklist and cover letter:

Small Business Technical Assistance Resources and Programs 

Secretary Anthony Foxx is committed to furthering the goals and objectives of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and ensuring its success for the small disadvantaged firms that seek contracting opportunities funded by state and local governments, and public transit and airport sponsors. It is vitally important that these businesses are aware of the resources and services that the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) has to offer. The OSDBU’s Small Business Transportation Resource Centers, in 13 locations throughout the country, provide essential business assistance services including bonding education, short-term lending opportunities, networking events, free business coaching, technical workshops and information on procurement opportunities. The OSDBU’s services tailored for DBEs are posted to the Departmental Office of Civil Rights’ (DOCR) website at

DBE Application Tripwires​

Application “tripwires” can delay the processing of an application for DBE certification or even lead certifiers to deny an application. To assist DBE certification applicants avoid these errors, we developed a tip sheet. It is a great tool to assist you in the DBE certification process. The sooner you get certified, the sooner you can start competing for more contracts. To view the tip sheet, click here.

Scam Email Warning

DOTD would like to remind everybody that all DOTD email comes from an account with "" as the domain.  When conducting official DOTD business, please do not reply to any email that does not contain "".  If you need verification, please call customer service at 1-877-452-3683.


(Sample Scam Email)

DBE Documents

DBE Program Plan - 2023 Update.pdfDBE Program Plan - 2023 Update5/23/2023 2:29 PM7498 KB
Declaration of Eligibility (DOE) 4.9.2024.pdfDeclaration of Eligibility (DOE) 4.9.20248/27/2024 11:21 AM254 KB
Expansion of Business Services Request.DOCXExpansion of Business Services Request6/24/2022 8:59 AM28 KB
Interstate DBE Certification Application.aspxInterstate DBE Certification Application2/28/2025 12:01 PM2 KB
Personal Net Worth Statement 4.9.2024.pdfPersonal Net Worth Statement 4.9.20248/27/2024 1:36 PM516 KB
Unified Certification Application 4.09.2024.pdfUnified Certification Application 4.09.20248/27/2024 1:38 PM450 KB
  Name Phone Title
  Rhonda M Wallace 225-379-1762 DBE/SBE Programs Manager
  Shirley Ard 504-376-0233 DBE/SBE Certification Programs Specialist/N.O. Office
  Warren E. Morgan, Jr. 225-379-1775 DBE/SBE Certification Programs Specialist
  Megan Gullett 225-379-1382 DOTD Program Specialist, DBE/SBE Certification / DOTD Compliance Programs Assistant
